About CCi, the Construction Certification Institute

Fred L. McGee, the founder of the Construction Certification Institute, Inc., is also the owner of McGee & Associates, Inc., a firm specializing in the management of concrete-related trade associations since 1973. Within a management career which spans over 40 years, McGee has been the Executive Director of the Florida Prestressed Concrete Association, Precast Concrete Structures Association, Florida Concrete Pipe Institute, and the Architectural Precast Association (APA). He has either conducted or been responsible for literally hundreds of construction seminars, training classes, concrete inspector certification courses, and Architectural Precast and Prestressed Concrete certification inspections throughout the nation. He worked with APA to construct its plant certification program twenty-four years ago which CCI manages today.

McGee successfully combined association management and construction marketing with construction certification programs for many years until it became apparent the verification services plants and project managers required could be best served by a separate organization dedicated solely to their needs. Thus CCI was formed.


McGee felt a quality prestressed concrete plant certification program that follows PCI's MNL 116 Specification for Prestressed Concrete did not have to be expensive to be effective and thorough. "Prestressed trade association certification costs a small plant around $20,000 a year for two, day and a half inspections and can go up to over $100,000 for a large plant which is absurd," he said.

"CCI Prestressed Concrete Plant Certification offers a base yearly cost of $8,000 for the same quality inspections with no added requirement and expense of membership. CCI further reduces the inspection expense by employing regionally-based inspectors, thus minimizing the travel time. Well managed overhead completes the cost reduction equation. There is finally a choice."

McGee's experience in the business ensures CCI employs only the highest caliber inspectors, all of whom must carry a minimum of 10 years experience in the Precast Concrete field and be Registered Professional Engineers. The one exception is a prestressed concrete inspector who has 35 years experience in inspecting prestressed plants for the Florida DOT. "I thought that was more than enough," said McGee.

The plant inspection and personnel certification programs are unmatched in the Industry. The programs received input and were scrutinized by a host of production experts and engineering professionals before they were placed into service. The certification and training programs continually evolve to meet the ever changing requirements of the construction industry. The programs can also be customized to reflect a State's production specifications.

"The APA Architectural Precast Certification Program managed by CCI is tried and true", says McGee. "It's in all the major specifications. We worked hard and have been rewarded. After 18 years as Executive Director of the Florida Prestressed Concrete Association, I can assure you that our Prestressed Concrete Certification Program will also exceed your expectations."

Precast Concrete Personnel Certification Programs have become mandatory in the eyes of specfiers nationwide. Not only do they demand that an independently monitored QC program be in place, but the people who implement it must be knowledgeable and proficient in their jobs.

CCI developed personnel certification courses for the precast and architectural precast industries and conducts the training and testing. All CCI certified plants must have a Level I QC Technician, Level II Quality Control Manager, and a Certified Batch Plant Operator on staff. There is no higher certification than CCI.